
give good foster homes, group told

CINCINNATI (~An Illinois social worker said yesterday homosexuals can provide guilt-free, understanding foster homes for homosexual and nonhomosexual children.

David Sindt spoke to the National Conference on Social Welfare on the final day of a three-day meeting.

Sindt, a Presbyterian minister and a social worker who licenses foster homes in Cook County (Chicago), said he is a gay activist who knows of three homosexual households involved in Cook County's fos·ter care program.

He said the people involved had not advised the welfarecdepartment of their homosexuality.

Sindt said homosexual foster parents can remove

feelings of guilt children have about sex and can help a homosexual child accept himself and become less defensive.

He described a married couple. He called Mr. and Mrs. C., both gay activists with their own children.

He said they are providing a foster home for a homosexual teen-age youth and are "a resource for this boy who was otherwise virtually unplaceable in a traditional foster home."

Sindt said that preventing homosexuals from providing parental and child care "is simply to reinforce a circular and self-validating means of perpetuating ageold injustices."

He said very few homosexuals would try to make a foster child homosexual.